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Dan Patrick supported by Clayton Williams – Flocking together?

“Rape is a crime of violence.” and Dan Patrick’s comments “question his ability to understand the kinds of problems faced by the people of Texas”

Dan Patrick opposed funding to test the state’s backlog of rape kits, which would have allowed rapists to go free, and opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

Guess who Clayton Williams is supporting? Dan Patrick!

Dan Patrick Clayton Williams Rape Incest


And this is what the Houston Chronicle had to say about Dan Patrick when they endorsed Leticia Van de Putte.

A former radio shock jock, Patrick has pursued a talk-radio agenda during his two terms in the Texas Senate. Like a heat-seeking missile, he homes in on those issues that are guaranteed to divide and disrupt.

Given the senator’s inclination to be needlessly provocative and outrageous, it’s little wonder that his Senate colleagues, including fellow Republicans, are deeply concerned about the prospect of Patrick wielding the gavel as lieutenant governor. Both Republican and Democratic senators have been quietly exploring ways to curb the powers of the office if Patrick is elected.

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