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Wendy Davis wheelchair ad fair game Greg Abbott got his but would deny others theirs (VIDEO)

Greg Abbott

Wendy Davis ads that slams Greg Abbott’s hypocrisy very appropriate

Republicans are notorious for hard hitting ads that are generally at best factually suspect but mostly a bastion of lies and misinformation. Greg Abbott had not problems in his ad that was a blatant like on Wendy Davis and an FBI investigation. Senator Wendy Davis came out with a hard hitting factual ad that she likely should have released months ago. The Republican machine has been in hyperventilating mode. No links are provided as most are fact-less.

It is great to see stations starting to get the spine to state the truth. The Wendy Davis ad is factual and shows a hypocrisy that needed to be called out.

From FOX Houston’s “The Round Up”

 Chris Tritico, FOX Houston legal analyst: Greg Abbott can’t use his disability as a sword and a shield in this campaign. And he’s had several ads talking about his disability. That really makes it kind of fair game I think for Wendy Davis to talk about it too. But the focus of Wendy Davis’ ad is not that Greg Abbott is disabled. It’s that since he became disabled, her argument is, is that he, Mustafa, has spent the rest of his career ensuring that others can’t get the same benefit he got. That’s the argument.

Mustafa Tameez, FOX Houston news analyst: Yeah and she documents it. So the information that she’s providing is not being argued, you know it’s factual. Look, Democrats are going to say it’s a fair ad. Republicans are going to say it’s a disgusting ad, but the talking points on both sides are. What’s worth noting is that she started twenty points behind, she’s six and a half points now. Greg Abbott is using his political money to attack to attack her as well. So this race is competitive.”

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