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This Christian Conservative believes it’s heresy to deny God entitles the rich (VIDEO)

Dave Ramsey, God, Bible, Greed, Heresy, Wealth, Rich

Dave Ramsey thinks it’s heresy not to see biblical justification for the wealthy few

After listening to Dave Ramsey’s interview on CBN News with evangelist Pat Robertson, one should get angry. At the same time, it illustrates why many of the poor and the middle classes do not revolt against the few who continue to profit at the expense of the masses. If a sect of a religion influences the psyche of many, the teachings of Dave Ramsey and Pat Robertson are an effective lobotomy.

Pat Robertson premises the interview with a statement saying there are people in the country that believe wealth is evil. Dave Ramsey was on the show to plug his book “The Legacy Journey: A Radical View of Biblical Wealth and Generosity” .

Dave Ramsey claims there is a problem out there with some “bad and toxic teachings” that claim if you won with money or if you got wealthy, you have done something wrong. He claims it is heresy to have that belief. Of course most people do not believe wealth is evil. They rightfully believe that how one gets wealthy is sometimes evil, bad, and toxic.

Why is it heresy based on his explanation? God owns it all. He simply anointed a select few as managers of the wealth. Dave Ramsey is upset that some of the wealthy seem apologetic for their wealth. He does not understand that many who feel that way simply understand that they did not do anything extraordinary for their good fortune relative to others.

Dave Ramsey had some other rather strange statements. “This is about when you do things biblical with money,” Ramsey said. “you will end up with the responsibility to manage money for the kingdom.” He says this with authority and a straight face. Has he forgotten the thousands of investment bankers, loan officers, and investors who got rich and remain rich by pilfering the middle class as they brought the world’s economy to collapse? Are those God’s money managers? Is it really heresy to call them all out?

Of course Dave Ramsey had to state his position on the inheritance tax. “I have already been taxed on this money once,” Ramsey said. Dave Ramsey fails to understand that mathematically speaking, absent an inheritance tax, wealth accumulation would be exponential and is unsustainable. If the wealth of a few grows faster than the economy at large, it is effectively a theft from the masses. It means those with capital are extracting more than what the economy they are a part of can produce.

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