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Want war? Congressman wants these actions first (VIDEO)

War,Congressman Charles Rangel,War tax,Mandatory Military Service

Congressman Charles Rangel is correct about the ISIS/ISIL war

Congressman Charles Rangel is absolutely correct in the statements he makes in the above video. The Congressman appeared on the Jose Diaz-Balart program. He echoed unfortunately what too few congresspeople are echoing. The ISIS/ISIL war is not an existential threat to America. I wrote about it a few weeks ago where I said the following.

The military industrial complex and its puppets in the media and Congress play into the game. After-all, it is a gain for them both. For the military industrial complex they profit from the bombs, military hardware, and services they provide. Congress keeps Americans in a state of fear. Americans remain paralyzed and take their eyes off the ball. They are no longer focused on a plutocracy extracting their wealth and squandering their economic future.

Americans must wise up and make it absolutely clear to the President and Congress that ISIS is not an existential threat to the US. Instead of spending billions over there, spend it over here. Improve our security. Rebuild our infrastructure. Invest in America’s  human capital.

Charles Rangel’s last statement is one every American citizen should digest. “Listen. It is a confusing thing,” Rangel said. “If indeed the President knows who supports him in terms of ‘this war’, if they’re right, bring it to the Congress and convince the United States of America that there is a threat to our national security. And when you do that, be prepared to pay for it. Be prepared to make a sacrifice. Have a mandatory military so that we all share in defending ourselves. And also, pay for it with a war tax.”

If all Americans had to sacrifice like the thousands of soldiers that have been maimed, killed, and/or had their lives or the lives of their families destroyed, our affinity for war would attenuate rapidly. Fighting them over there does little to protect us over here. Protecting us here prevents them from getting over here.

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