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Watch Bill Maher cover for Lisa Kudrow’s ignorance about GOP War on Women (VIDEO)

Bill Maher, Lisa Kudrow

Lisa Kudrow is clueless

I guess it is not only the average American citizen that is oblivious to politics. It is not only the poor, the people without resources, and many in the middle class that are oblivious to the some of the most important issues affecting most.

Actress Lisa Kudrow appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher to discuss HBO’s revival of her show ‘The Comeback‘ where she plays Valerie Cherish. After doing the stint to plug her show with a lot of help from Bill Maher she seemed rather out of the dialogue unlike most guests that sit in that chair.

Bill Maher entertained several political questions from the internet on the ‘Overtime’ segment of the show. The following question came in specifically for Lisa Kudrow.

Do you feel that the Republican War on Women is still an important issue to voters?

Lisa Kudrow had the proverbial look of a deer staring into headlights. She had no clue what the person online was asking.

“The Republican War on Women?” Lisa Kudrow asked. “There is a Republican War on Women? Which part of being a woman?”

Bill Maher took over and explained what the term Republican War on Women meant. He then commended Republicans for tamping it down for this election.

Kristen Soltis, a Republican operative, smiled at Lisa Kudrow with an amused sense of pity. One must wonder what does Kudrow do with her spare time. Does she read anything of substance? Does she listen to the news. Then again, she is but a reflection of what America has become.

The 2014 midterm elections shows how dangerous the collective ignorance of America is for the nation. Two thirds of Americans did not vote. Those that voted supported progressive and liberal ballot measures like increased minimum wage, marijuana legalization, and gun control even as they voted on the same ballot for Republican candidates that are on record opposing those measures. How long can a country stay great with an uninformed and misinformed populace?

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