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Senator Elizabeth Warren joins Senate Democratic leadership team.

Elizabeth Warren Senate Leadership

According to the Washington Post Elizabeth Warren will join the Senate Democratic leadership team, Her title will be strategic policy adviser to the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.

Seeking ideological and regional balance, a chastened Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) expanded his leadership team Thursday, including the addition of liberal icon Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), to beat back internal critics.

Warren is taking a position inside the party’s policy and messaging operation, led by Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.). The announcement came after a heated 3 1/2-hour meeting in which participants said grievances were aired after the devastating midterm elections cost them the majority next year.

One hopes that the leadership of the Democratic Party will ensure that her progressive ideas are heard and implemented into their stances and policies. For too long the Democratic Party has attempted to appear more centrist or Republican Lite. Americans want real choices. One should give them that.

Present America with a real progressive path. Let them know what it will mean. Let them know how it would be paid for. Let them know how it will impact their everyday lives. Then contrast that with a Conservative stance. Ensure that they understand that the current demise of the middle class was effected by economic policies that did not trickle prosperity down to the masses.

Giving Elizabeth Warren a seat at the table ensure that progressives are heard. Progressives keeping the pressure on the entire Congress will ensure that those suggested policies get the possibility of being realized.

Political involvement should be a requirement for citizenship.


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