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Darren Wilson’s ‘injury’ photos. What do they really show?

Here are the photos that were released of  Warren Wilson, the police officer that executed Michael Brown. This along with his testimony where he compared Michael Brown to a demon made it much less likely he would possibly be indicted. He simply needed to dehumanize Michael Brown to cauterize in the juror’s minds many of their own preconceived notions. The Michael Brown autopsy illustrated that it surely wasn’t Michael Brown who was a demon.

Wilson benefited from not writing a police report as required that described the event. This allowed him to testify relative to publicly available testimonies. Is this really justice? The family of Michael Brown did not stand a chance of getting an indictment for the execution of their son.

It is time for Americans to wake up to the reality that the law gives many the benefit of the doubt even as it dehumanizes many of its most aggrieved citizens. Officer Wilson is a killer. Below is the face of a killer. Continued demonization of Michael Brown will not change that. It is Brown who is dead as Wilson goes free after taking someone’s life. Sadly many American can console themselves in their willful ignorance.


Darren Wilson is about the same height as Michael Brown

Are these injuries really from the event?

(h/t CBS News)

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