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Watch French TV make fun of Fox News claims of Islamic ‘no-go zones’ in Paris (VIDEO)

French TV make fun of Fox News claims of 'Muslim no-go zones'

Fox News appropriately ridiculed for silly misinforming coverage of Paris attacks

Fox News was appropriately ridiculed on French TV for stating that Paris has Islamic no-go zones. Le Petit Journal took them to task.

Fox News in their standard ‘Alert’ hyperventilated about the Paris attacks in one of their segments. “Is France fueling the rise of radicalism by allowing no-go zones in Muslim neighborhoods?” Elisabeth Hasselbeck asked with a sense of despair. She then introduced supposed expert Nolan Peterson who has been to Paris to talk about no-go zones.

Le Petit Journal thought that was rather odd. “Tell us about those no-go zones in France with your specialist in New York,” the host said. “So… we know there are some sensitive zones in France, but listen to what comes next.”

The Fox News clip continues.

“Well it was pretty scary,” Nolan Peterson said. “I’ve been to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kashmir India and at times it felt like that, those places. … You see young men wearing Osama Bin Ladin T-Shirts. In a hookah shop I saw a speech by Abu Musab al Zarqawi who was leading an insurgency against American troops in Iraq. It seemed very mainstream, very accepted.”

The Le Petit Journal host was rather amused. “But hey, he saw that so why not,” the host said. “Our doubts about the truthfulness of the words of this specialist appeared when Barbie and Ken, the specialists of France used the opinion poll.”

Elsabeth showed a poll that said 16% of France had a favorable view of ISIS. She also said 27% of those 18 to 24 had a favorable view of ISIS. The Le Petit Journal host referred to The Washington Post article that debunked that poll.

“The credibility of the two Fox News clowns disappeared when they showed a map of Paris with some ‘no-go zones’,” the Le Petit Journal host said. “For those who know Paris, this is the map Americans saw on TV.”

Fox News Paris no-go zones

Le Petit Journal then showed how silly and misinforming the Fox News piece was by going to each of the no-go zones and interviewing real people. Sadly for Fox New, these places looked nothing like Afghanistan, Iraq, or Kashmir India. They looked nothing like the American ghettos in big cities and Appalachia. It was filled with vibrant average French citizens. Stories like these are the reasons Fox News viewers poll as the least informed.

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