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Republican Congressman Aaron Schock defended by Liberal Democrat Van Jones (VIDEO)

Van Jones comes to the defense of Aaron Schock (R-IL)

Van Jones appeared on the ABC This Week panel where they discussed Republican Congressman Aaron Shock’s resignation. While the panel was rather vicious on the congressman, Liberal Democrat Van Jones took a more sympathetic view.

“It is especially sad because he was bipartisan,” said Van Jones. “Unlike the Ted Cruz’es and some of these other people he was bipartisan. He was reaching out. He was trying to do good things. I think it was a terrible lapse of judgement. But he was not for sale. And we have got people for sale we are not talking about.”

It is likely that in Aaron Schock Van Jones saw a man who was not as radically Right as many Republicans have become. That pretty much shows how much to the Right the Republican Party has moves. Van Jones may do well however to remember the Aaron Schock of 2010. Rachel Maddow in an epic call-our showed the hypocrisy to a red faced Aaron Schock. Check out that epic call out here.

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