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Jon Stewart: Red State Kansas should be treated like the welfare queen that it is (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart Red State Kansas should be treated like the welface queen it is

Kansas is in fact a welfare state

Jon Stewart did a masterful job of tying the irrationality of Red State Kansas’ laws with its actual reality, a bonafide welfare state. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback is one of the most vociferous Right Wing ideologues that pushes his governing principles irrespective of outcome. He almost lost his reelection for governor. Sadly, apathy in Kansas and just about everywhere else in the country allowed those that are destroying the fabric of the nation to retain power.

Jon Stewart began his skit with a Kansas gun law. He likely did this to illustrate the nature of the destructive thought process among the current crop of Kansas lawmakers. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed a new law that removed the eight hour training and any permit requirement for carrying a concealed weapon. It is the Wild Wild West.

Jon Stewart stated an irony. “The same state that believes eight hours of gun training is too much for its gun owners,” Jon Stewart said. “requires a thousand hours of training for its professional aesthetisticians.” Why did they do this? Lawmakers said removing training may actually improve training. Maybe those politicians should be sent to doctors based on their new training tenets. Stewart points out that even gun owners have come out against the bill. However politicians said they rather err on the side of freedom.

Jon Stewart was just warming up. He pointed out that when Sam Brownback came into office he cut taxes and regulations. Brownback said he had faith that Kansans know how to spend their dollars better than government. Stewart pointed out that that freedom was extended only to some. After-all, Kansas just passed knew laws expanding restrictions on those who receive assistance, the poor. Brownback micro-manages how they should best spend their money. Of course they can still buy guns. But anything less than utmost necessities are not allowed.

Jon Stewart points out that Kansas is a poorly run state with institutions that are on a cutting spiral and thus providing less services to its citizens. Kansas is actually on the dole. They are a welfare state. For every dollar they send to the federal government, they get back one dollar and twenty-nine cents. He suggested that maybe the federal government should consider applying restrictions to the state of Kansas’ expenditures just like Kansas has put restrictions on its own citizens receiving assistance. You see, otherwise Kansas would really fit the definition of the Welfare Queen.

(h/t DailyShow)

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