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Fox News Geraldo Rivera confronted by Baltimore activist Kwame Rose (VIDEO)

Fox News Geraldo Rivera confronted by Baltimore activist

Fox News Geraldo Rivera running from Baltimore Activist, Kwame Rose

Baltimore activist Kwame Rose attempted to engage Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera in a discussion of what really ails Baltimore. Geraldo Rivera dismissively attempted to walk away and was followed by the activist.

“Don’t walk away once we start talking,” Kwame Rose said. “You want to report that we are thugs. … We are the ones that need protection. Report for us. You are working for Fox News.”

Geraldo Rivera kept trying to get away from the activist. The activist had a few more important words for Rivera to hear.

“Talk to me,” Kwame Rose said. “I want you and Fox News to get out of Baltimore City. Because you are not here reporting about the boarded up homes and the homeless people under MLK. You’re not reporting about the poverty levels up and down North Avenue.Two years ago when the 300 Men March, when we marched … you weren’t here. But you are here for the Black riots. You are not here for the death of Freddie Gray. … I want the White media out of Baltimore City until you are here to report the real story. … Fox News don’t give a damn about Black people.”

This is not the first time social and economic justice activists have given Geraldo Rivera a cold reception. It also occurred at Occupy Wall Street a few years ago.

Geraldo Rivera went live on Fox News attempting to interview Maryland state Senate Majority Leader Catherine E. Pugh. The same activist attempted to get in front of the camera to block the interview. These citizens knew they would be misrepresented by Geraldo Rivera and Fox News.

They did not have to wait too long. Geraldo Rivera referred to them as vandals while being interviewed by Sean Hannity. When Senator Pugh told Geraldo that the people wanted the media to move back he responded that it seems like they wanted trouble. The Senator immediately corrected him and attempted to school him on what really ails Baltimore.

The activist was right. The Senator should not have spoken to Geraldo Rivera. Anyone who speaks to Fox News gives them a platform to lie with the interviewee being a protagonist in the lie.

Very few people know how to handle Fox News style journalism. Occupy Wall Street famed Jesse LaGreca famously took down a Fox News reporter at Occupy Wall Street a few years ago. His tactic should be instructive.

A younger Ferguson/Baltimore activist, Deray McKesson put Wolf Blitzer in his place as he drove the narrative. His techniques was even more effective as he drove the narrative.

It will be imperative going forward that these grassroots movements control the narrative. They must use the corrupt traditional mainstream media to tell the story. As Deray did, don’t answer their leading questions without turning the narrative to the reality they are attempting to hide. Drive the story for the few minutes live on air time is given.

(h/t RawStory)

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