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Delusional Donald Trump thinks he has the votes of Latinos (VIDEO)

Donald Trump says he will win the Latino vote

Is Donald Trump delusional?

Donald Trump was interviewed by NBC Katy Tur. He was he normal obnoxious, condescending, and sexist self.

It was immediately evident that in Donald Trump’s world, facts mean absolutely nothing. When presented with them he simply claimed they were the wrong facts. Of course one knows facts are facts.

“We don’t even have a border,” Donald Trump said. “People are just flowing through like water. There is no border right now.”  Of course the truth is that the migration rate from Mexico to the US is virtually net zero. While Trump and the GOP continues its crusade of immigrant hate, this will be their inconvenient truth that they will attempt to disregard.

Katy Tur went on to point out that Donald Trump’s claims of undocumented immigrant crime was off base. In fact she stated that the border town of El Paso had the lowest crime rate of big cities in the country. He replied with disdain. “Don’t try and convince me that there is no crime, that it is wonderful,” Trump said. He then went on a diatribe about Mexico sending criminals to the US.

Katy Tur pointed out that there is a lower incarceration rate for Mexican immigrants than for US born citizens. “It’s the wrong statistics,” Trump said. “Go check your numbers.” Of course Tur is correct. It is evident Trump has not done his research.

“I have great relationships with the Mexican people,” Trump said. “I have many people working for me. You can look at the job in Washington. I have many legal immigrants working for me.” Of course the Washington Post found out that there are several undocumented workers who work for Donald Trump at his construction sites.

Donald Trump most delusional statement followed. “I’ll tell you something.” Donald Trump said. “If I get the nomination, I will win the Latino vote. I will win it because I am going to create jobs.” He then went on to say that neither Hillary Clinton nor Jeb Bush are capable of creating jobs.

One wonders how such a person lacking substance and intellect can garner this much attention. That his growth in the Republican Primary polls are proportional to the amount of hate and insensitivity he spews speaks volumes of the state of the Republican Party and some of its members.

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