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LGBT hating preachers should listen to this truth telling preacher (VIDEO)

LGBT hating preachers should listen to this truth telling preacher.

The importance of black preachers standing up for gay civil rights is imperative

I found this gem as I was posting my diary at the DailyKOS a few minutes ago and just had to blog it. I have been genuinely concerned specifically with regards t0 the many black preachers joining with the hate spewing evangelicals to attack the civil rights of our gay brothers and sisters.

This touched me after watching the news yesterday where I saw a black preacher display utter joy after the Texas Supreme court effectively suspended Houston’s HERO ordinance. How shallow are the memories of these black ministers? They are using a religion imposed on them by their past slave masters to deny civil rights of another group.

I believe everyone has the right to be prejudice, racist, homophobic, sexist, and all other bad (or good) qualities as long as it has no material effect on the livelihood, well-being, or happiness of another. When one attempts to impose their religion or prejudices on others, it is incumbent that those of us that believe in real freedom and humanity to join in the fight.

As the minister in the video above clearly states, those so strongly attacking our gay brothers and sisters should examine their own lives. I quoted a good friend in a previous post a few months ago.

Cody Pogue, a professor in the Houston area and previous candidate for the Texas Congress had a message that Christians should heed. “There are over 2,000 verses in the Bible that command us to help the less fortunate,” Cody Pogue said. “There are only 6 verses, most of them in the Old Testament that say nothing about homosexuality. If we want to talk about sin, let’s talk about America’s sin of not helping others, our sin of putting our love of money ahead of our love of humanity, and our sin of not loving our neighbor as ourselves.”

Maybe it is time for us to start doing some investigative reporting to discern the unseemly proclivities of those preachers attempting to deny our gay citizens their civil rights. Maybe it is time to expose that which they would prefer not see the light of day.

(h/t DailyKOS xxdr zombiexx)

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