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GOP pundit believes Donald Trump will make the Republican Party sane again (VIDEO)

GOP pundit Bruce Bartlett believes Donald Trump will make the Republican Party sane again.

Donald Trump could yet serve a purpose?

Bruce Bartlet, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Economic Policy for George H.W. Bush has an interesting take on Donald Trump and the Republican Party. He appeared on The Ed Show on Tuesday. The following exchange is interesting.

Ed Schultz: Bruce, why do you think that Trump will make the Republican Party sane again.

Bruce Bartlett: Well my hope is he will in fact get the Republican nomination and that he will proceed to lose all fifty states. Because I believe that the craziness that he in fact represents, that has taken hold of the Republican Party over the last ten years, since the rise of the Tea Party, in not a winnable, a winning coalition. And it has to be completely destroyed, salt plowed into the earth. Then maybe phoenix-like, a new sane pragmatic Republican Party can arise that can in fact win the White House.

Bartlett is absolutely correct. One hopes that the absurdity and lunacy of a party that considers Donald Trump a plausible presidential candidate will trigger a backlash that will awaken and embolden those Republicans too timid to challenge those that have usurped the party. This isn’t the first time Bruce Bartlett has justifiably slammed the Right. He has excoriated Tea Party followers in the past as well.  He wrote the paper titled “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics.”

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