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John Fugelsang: Donald Trump exposes what dark underside of the Republican Party? (VIDEO)

John Fugelsang, Donald Trump, Fox News, Republican Party, GOP, White nationalist,

John Fugelsang reads the GOP and Fox News tea leaves just right

By now it is evident that Donald Trump current success is throwing cold water on the fire of many GOP candidates as well as Fox News’ plan. Fox News anticipating a problem earlier on had attempted to call Donald Trump’s bluff early by stating only those who file the necessary financial disclosures could participate in the debate. Donald Trump called their bluff and filed.

Donald Trump has been genius. He encapsulated the pent-up hate that Fox News instigated in its audience and built a campaign on all its premises. How can Fox News then call out Donald Trump when he represents the ideal candidate using all of Fox News’ hate filled rhetoric? Reality? They are stuck.

John Fugelsang in the clip above could not of encapsulated it any better. “I think that Roger Ailes and Fox News have had a really clear path,” John Fugelsang said. “Give Jeb the nomination. Hillary Clinton crushes him. And we [Fox News] get to be the hate Hillary network for the next four years. They didn’t want to be the defend Mitt Romney network. They do a lot better being the hate Obama network. So if they get Hillary Clinton in office, they are made. Now that whole plan is gone. And the very fact that Donald Trump is exposing the dark underside of this party, the white nationalism, which Donald Trump didn’t create —  he is just the logical conclusion of it. So now Roger Ailes has a real big problem. How are you going to keep your rubes in your own paddock when they’ve found a new shepherd.”

For the well-being of the country one must hope that Donald Trump is dethroned sooner rather than later. He is currently making hate for immigrant and all the others pretty much vogue. If one studies the 2014 French election, it should give us both pause and concern. A charlatan like Donald Trump can in fact get traction in a country where there is socio-economic angst, income & wealth inequality, and much more.

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