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Rachel Maddow exposes Kevin McCarthy, Speaker in waiting channeling Sarah Palin? (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow - Kevin McCarthy

Speaker of the House in waiting Kevin McCarthy channels Sarah Palin very well

Rachel Maddow took a closer look at Speaker of the House in waiting Kevin McCarthy. It was difficult to discern any major differences between McCarthy and Sarah Palin. They share the same proclivity for gaffes and misspeaks. Most importantly their actual political accomplishments were not consummate to their age nor their political attainments.

Just like Sarah Palin was being ushered into the vice-presidency unprepared, Kevin McCarthy is as well. His ascent seemed to be based on tactical expediency instead of competence. The expectation is that Kevin McCarthy will keep the right flank in check. The pundits think he won’t. The fact that there is little opposition to him becoming speaker likely means he will be given a Tea Party / Right Wing probation period.

Rachel Maddow pointed out that Kevin McCarthy has only gotten two bills passed. Both were to name structures.

Maddow then played snippets from the recent Kevin McCarty foreign policy speech. In the speech he had many sentences that were simply incoherent.Whether he wrote the speech or not, the sheer number of incoherent phrases was probative. After-all, this guy is to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He will be  third in line for the presidency. For a party that loves to pride itself on national security, having a stream of incompetent people in office or attempting to get into office does little to bolster credibility.

One of Kevin McCarthy’s first pre-Speaker acts, an act to show his ‘Speaker bonafides’ gave Hillary Clinton and Democrats a huge boost. Kevin McCarthy went on Fox News to brag about his party’s responsibility in bringing down Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers via the Benghazi hearings. In effect he confirmed what Democrats have been saying all along. He implicitly confessed that Republican denials that the Benghazi hearing was a political stunt was but a lie.

Comedians will love Kevin McCarthy, Sadly, it will be at the detriment of the country. Rachel Maddow asked the appropriate question. Are you sure you want this guy to be your Speaker?

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