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Democratic Debate Live Blog

Democratic Debate

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Closing statements


Clinton will not take position on Marijuana but think we should not be as punitive.

Sanders takes the prison path that is bad.


Clinton: We should not be paralyzed by GOP scare tactics. GOP can mess with women’s rights but can’t help.

Sanders: Embarrassment that we do not provide family leave. Every country in the world does it.


Webb believes in drilling, Keystone, and Nuclear energy.

Sanders: Climate change is a moral issue. Fossil fuel companies funding the GOP.


Sanders: I am the only one on stage that is not a millionaire. I am the only one without a PAC raising money from millionaires.


Clinton: I am not campaigning to be president because my name is Clinton. We cannot afford a Republican to succeed Obama.


Webb dismisses the revolution Sanders is calling for for the middle-class. “Bernie, I don’t think it is going to come.”


Chafee: Snowden could come home with no penalties.

Clinton: Snowden stole important information. He must face the music.

O’Malley: Snowden broke the law.

Sanders: Snowden broke the law but he brought much to light and that should be taken into account.

Webb: Let legal system decide.


Neither Clinton nor Chafee regrets Patriot act vote.



Clinton will support undocumented immigrant college support on a state by state basis. O’Malley called Trump a carnival barker.


Clinton does not support undocumented immigrants getting ACA subsidies. Sanders explained his no vote for immigration reform because of slave labor. O’Malley supports full ACA support for undocumented immigrants. Webb spun.


Sanders defends his free college plan. Clinton says under her plan all can refinance their college loans.


Chafee plead ignorance for voting for scrapping Glass Steagall.


WOW. Sanders is coming on strong on hitting Wall Street for pilfering America.


Clinton getting slammed for not supporting Glass Steagall.


O’Malley said he stopped supporting Clinton because she does not want to break up banks.

Fraud as a business model destroyed the economy said Sanders.



Clinton stated the fact that economy always does better under democrats.


We need a new new deal for people of color, said Clinton.

Webb said All Lives Matter.



Sanders comes out in support of BLM and acknowledges institutionalize racism.

O’Malley came out as well in support. Clinton said GOP obstructed Obama’s attempt ot be proactive.


Sanders came to the defense of Hillary. The middle-class is tired of talking about Hillary’s damn email. He admonished the media to talk about the real issues.


Clinton pointed out that the email scandal was really a Republican ploy as admitted by the House Republican Majority leader.


Clinton said email server was not the best choice.


Only Sanders say climate is greatest threat. Chafee  Middleeast. Webb China. O’Malley Nuclear Iran. Clinton nuclear proliferation.


Webb asked if Sanders can be commander in chief as a conscientious objector. He said the voters must decide. Sanders responded that he is not a pacifist.


Webb says China should be our biggest security concern.


Clinton reminded O’Malley that he endorsed her in 2008.


O’Malley attacking Clinton for the Iraq war blunder as well. He said Clinton’s no fly zone in Syria is wrong.


Sander said they all heard the same evidence. He said he predicted everything that is currently happening. He said he would use force when necessary.


Chafee asked why he still believes that Clinton is unqualified for the presidency for voting for the Iraq war. He said yes. Clinton said Obama valued her judgement.


Clinton asked if she underestimated Putin and Russia. She said we must stand up to Putin’s bullying. She commends administration for pressuring Russia.

Sanders used the Syria fiasco to pivot to the Iraq war being a big blunder that is causing all of this.


Chafee points out the fact at how effective the NRA. He wants to bring the NRA to the table.


O’Malley said while the other talk, he got gun control legislation passed. He brought up an incident in Colorado who sued a gun manufacturer who was required to pay the gun manufacturer $200,000. They are beating up on Sanders and he is responding effectively.

Webb was reminded that he once had an A rating from the NRA.


Sanders voted against holding gun manufacturers liable. He reminded Cooper that he has an NRA D rating. He said he does not want to shield gun manufacturers. He gave the example of small business that could be affected.

Clinton said Sanders is not tough enough on guns. She accused Sanders of voting against the Brady bill. Sanders responded effectively. Shouting is not going to help. One must reach a consensus.


Cooper reminded Webb that he stated that affirmative action was state sponsored racism.  He said he always support Affirmative Action for black because of slavery but not for all the other groups.


O’Malley slammed for Baltimore ills, a city he was mayor of. O’Malley said he saved over a thousand lives in Baltimore. Cooper said that over 100,000 arrest made under his admin. He said he made the city a place that one could walk in.


Sanders is explaining what a democratic socialist means after Cooper said how he expects to get elected with that title.

He touted Denmark. Cooper hit Bernie for supporting Sandinista and denouncing capitalism. Sanders turns the argument of capitalism on Cooper by telling the ills of what it has done.

Clinton came to the support of Sanders but did not go as far as supporting him on Denmark,

Sanders came back with how capitalism has transferred wealth back to the top.

Cooper hit Chafee for being Republican, then Independent, then Democrat. He said the party left him.


Cooper ask Clinton why she has flipped on many issues. TPP, gay marriage, etc.

She said she looks at new information. She said the TPP which she said was the gold standard upon negotiations did not meet her goals.

Cooper pointed out that with some audiences she calls herself moderate and other times progressive.

Cooper asked, Are you a progressive or moderate. She said she is a progressive who wants to get things done.


Clinton giving her introduction. She as well is giving her stump speech.


Sanders introducing himself. He started with the income and wealth disparity stump speech narrative. He calls it a democracy in trouble.


O’Malley introducing himself. He is touting his executive experience including passing liberal policies.


Webb introducing himself. He is talking up support for social justice. He is touting his children who have all provided service.


Chafee introducing himself. He said he was the only one that was mayor, governor, and senator. And he said he’s had no scandals. He pointed out he supports standard Democratic issues.


Ground rules being announced.


Cheryl Crow sings national anthem. Beautifully done without cracking.


Candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim Webb introduced.


Very creepy that CNN’s promo is turning the debate into a prize fight. This is serious and they take it as a game.


Democratic Debate about to start.

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