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Canadians toss out Conservatives as Liberals swept into office (VIDEO)

Liberals Tossed out Conservatives in Canada

Liberals toss out Conservatives with massive win in Canada

There is something going on my friends. Could it be that people around the world are waking up to the pilfering from their respective plutocracies. Liberals were swept in to power in a landslide in Canada last night. Canada’s Bush wannabe Stephen Harper was sent packing.

In an interesting manner, their situation was similar to what has been happening in America for decades. The Conservative 33% of the country was able to maintain power through the quirk in their multiparty system inasmuch as the country is very liberal as most real democracies are.

When people get frustrated enough, when things get unbearable enough, when people are made aware that there is a better way, then they stand up. And last night, Canadians stood up and gave Canada a majority government under the full control of the Liberal party.

CBC reported the win as follows.

Justin Trudeau will be Canada’s next prime minister after leading the Liberal Party to a stunning majority government win, dashing the hopes of Stephen Harper, who had been seeking his fourth consecutive mandate, but will now step down as party leader.

This will be the second time for Canada to be led by a Trudeau, as the 43-year-old Liberal leader follows in the footsteps of his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who served as prime minister for almost 16 years before retiring in 1984.

“Sunny ways my friends. Sunny ways,” Trudeau told his enthusiastic supporters in Montreal. “This is what positive politics can do.”

Canadians, he said, had sent a clear message that it’s “time for change in this country my friends. Real change.”

“We beat fear with hope,” Trudeau said. “We beat cynicism with hard work. We beat negative, divisive politics with a positive vision that brings Canadians together.”

Preceding this huge Liberal victory, Jeremy Corbyn won in a landslide to lead the Labour Party in the United Kingdom. So where is the next stop? America 2016.

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