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MUST SEE: George Galloway’s Iraq testimony on the fraud & evil that it was (VIDEO)

George Galloway Iraq Testimony

George Galloway let Congress have it for their willful failure

I got goose bumps as I listened to this 2005 testimony by George Galloway. My level of anger reached exponential levels. It is sad that truth continues to suffer at the expense of those who put money and profits ahead of everything. People’s characters are destroyed. People are murdered in war under false pretenses. And Americans are made to pay for it. Americans’ taxes, as we fight these wars end up in the hands of the oligarchs, the Halliburtons, the military industrial complex.

The Guardian reported this testimony then as follows.

George Galloway today accused US senators of manufacturing “the mother of all smokescreens” as he defended himself from charges that he profited from Iraqi oil sales.

The anti-war Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow, in east London, told the Senate subcommittee it had made a “schoolboy howler” in its investigation of illegal Iraqi oil sales. He said it was attempting to divert attention from the aftermath of the US-led invasion of Iraq.

We should thank Donald Trump for opening up this yet unresolved issues. The Right Wing, the Republicans, The Blue Dog Democrats,  and the neocons, those who chose to be willfully ignorant as they supported this war that destabilized the Middle-east, killed many Iraqis and Americans, must atone.

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