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Chuck Todd attempts to do what Republicans couldn’t to Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd attempts to do what Republicans couldn't to Hillary Clinton

Chuck Todd carrying the water of the Right Wing again

Chuck Todd once again is attempting to rehabilitate a failed GOP exercise of character assassination and misinformation. He is attempting to do to Hillary Clinton what the Republicans have been unable to do.

Chuck Todd’s indirect and direct attack on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with sly questioning makes one wonder if he is hedging his bets. If his attempt is to make himself attractive to Fox News by doing sleazy journalism in an attempt to garner a higher salary or a job in case his Meet the Press gig falls through, then he succeeded above and beyond. He succeeded with flying colors.

Chuck Todd claimed that Democrats did not ask enough hard questions. Firstly, why should they? The hearing was a fraud. Key Republicans have already admitted that. It was the job of congresspersons to safeguard the truth. It was their job to safeguard the integrity of Congress after Trey Gowdy and the Republicans tarnished its reputation by making a hearing on a national tragedy a political hacking tool.

Chuck Todd even attempted to give credibility, like Fox News has to an explained seemingly inconsistent statement by Hillary Clinton that was successfully explained.

Elijah Cummings did not leave any of Chuck Todd’s questions unanswered. He neutralized Todd’s gotcha questions. Chuck Todd must remember that truth from the mouth of an intelligent and articulate spokesperson will beat misinformation and lies every single time.

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