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Marco Rubio embarrasses Jeb Bush in Republican debate (VIDEO)

Marco Rubio embarasses Jeb Bush in Republican debate

Jeb Bush’s rehearsed attack on Marco Rubio made him look small

Jeb Bush was ready. He thought he found the opportune time to really let the other Floridian running for president have it. He was going to trip up Marco Rubio.

It turned out Jeb Bush’s team needs to be fired. He chose the wrong person to confront. While both Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are conservatives with dubious economic policies, they are both plausible presidents. Moreover, Marco Rubio is smart and fast on his feet. And Jeb Bush found that out rather quickly. He should have instead confronted the posers.

Jeb Bush admonished Marco Rubio for his poor voting record in the Senate. Rubio reminded Bush that many Senators running for president had the same type of record. But Rubio did not stop there. He reminded Bush that his hero, the man he wants to mimic as a comeback kid, had a similar record.

Marco Rubio then went in for the kill. “Jeb I don’t remember you ever complaining about John McCain’s voting record,” Marco Rubio said. “The only reason why you are doing it now is because we are running for the same position. And someone has convinced you that attacking me is going to help you.”

Rubio then went on to say that his campaign is going to be about the future of America and not on attacking candidates. He then got magnanimous. “I will continue to have tremendous admiration and respect for governor Bush,” Rubio said. “I am not running against governor Bush. I am not running against anyone on this stage. I am running for President because there is no way we can elect Hillary Clinton to continue the policies of Barack Obama.”

Jeb Bush forgot that this was a debate. He forgot that a young Marco Rubio is generally very prepared for all questions or statements he knows is coming his way.

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