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John Oliver slams hypocrisy of Republican candidates gutting Medicaid (VIDEO)

John Oliver slams Republicans GOP on Medicaid Gap.

Republicans refusal of Medicaid Expansion are killing many of their citizens

John Oliver did a splendid job in explaining the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare. More importantly he illustrates the hypocrisy of Republicans refusing to accept it.

Most importantly he puts faces to those whose lives are being hurt by the refusal of Red States to accept this very important program. The bottom line is that many of the citizens in those states have died and will die because of this act of evil. Act of evil is not too strong a phrase as if anyone told you that the results of an action you have taken is the deaths of thousands, no other term would be applicable.

We must remember Charlene Dill’s story. She died because of the lack of Medicaid Expansion.

Here is what those opposing the Medicaid Expansion are causing.

The researchers found that because of the states’ “opting out” of the Medicaid expansion, 7.78 million people who would have gained coverage will remain uninsured. In addition to the thousands of excess deaths associated with that lack of coverage, the rejection of the Medicaid expansion will have the following likely impacts.

  • 712,037 more persons diagnosed with depression
  • 240,700 more persons suffering catastrophic medical expenses
  • 422,533 fewer diabetics receiving medication
  • 195,492 fewer women receiving mammograms and
  • 443,677 fewer women receiving pap smears

Is that evil?

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