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Richard Clark: ISIS going global and coming to America (VIDEO)

Richard Clark

Richard Clark prognosis seems dire

Richard Clark is pessimistic. He believes ISIS and the carnage they effected in Paris is coming to America.  Many see ISIS as an existential threat.  That is hogwash.

The carnage in Paris is despicably evil. Every country must attempt to mitigate that carnage. One however must have perspective. ISIS does not have an air force, a navy, nor a standing army. They are a well equipped band of thugs able to purchase guns and equipment they cannot manufacture themselves. Gun manufacturers in Western countries are supplying the guns that kill their citizens.

If America and the West really wanted to cripple ISIS, they would cripple gun manufacturers. Let’s be real. But in our psyche we are taught to believe that unfettered capitalism trumps humanity.

Given our history and our lack of gun control laws enforced by the National Rifle Association and their purchased politicians, the carnage seen in Paris is a constant in America, just so far not effected by Muslims.

It is evident that prejudice affects the way we interpret violence. Americans are dying violently throughout this country. It is not only gang bangers killing each other. We have mass killings by gong-ho gun toting Americans every few weeks. We have killings between friends and families that go unreported by the traditional mainstream media.

It is important that we protect ourselves from another set of killers that would commit mass murder with guns.  But make no mistake, violently killed dead persons are no less dead based on who kills them or under what ideology they ascribe to.

Many are again beating the drums for war based on the carnage in Paris. It will yet be another war of convenience not justified by the realities. We must decapitate ISIS. Start by getting rid of their supply and they will be powerless.

I wrote this piece last year that still rings true.

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