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CNN anchor to mayor: ‘You govern a majority-Muslim-American city. Are you afraid?’ (VIDEO)

Media CNN anchor to mayor - 'You govern a majority-Muslim-American city. Are you afraid' (VIDEO).

This is what CNN and our mainstream media have become

If there is any doubt that the mainstream media is grotesquely naive, willfully ignorant, or maligning a people, this CNN interview is probative. The exchange is simply unbelievable.

Carol Costello: You govern a majority-Muslim-American city. Are you afraid?

Mayor Karen Majewski: No, I’m not afraid. And actually, I’d like to make another correction. We have, as of our last election, which was a couple weeks ago, we elected a Muslim-majority council. Whether the demographics of the city would say we’re a Muslim majority city, I don’t think that we’re there yet. I think we’re probably somewhere in the 40 percent Muslim for the city overall. But our city council that will take office in January will be a majority-Muslim council.

Carol Costello: So does that concern some of your citizens?

Mayor Karen Majewski: You know, the issues, we’re a small city. We’re 23-24,000 people, we’re 2.2 square miles. The issues for most of our residents are, can we fix the streets? Will the street lights — the street light that’s out in front of my house, can we get that fixed? They’re local issues. And there’s not a kind of level of fear that we hear when we talk about this on a national level. Really, our city council and our residents are most concerned with the day-to-day issues that affect their life when they walk out their front door.

Carol Costello’s questions imply that Muslim American citizens are predisposed to activities that one should be afraid of. There absolutely no statistics that prove that. Interesting enough,  Dalia Mogahed, co-author of the book “Who Speaks For Islam?dispelled that notion when recently interviewed by Chuck Todd on MTP Daily.

It is clear that our media is just as impressionable as the average citizen. Carol Costello or her producer would do well to think twice before each question is asked. It is evident that absent that, their anti Muslim bias comes through.

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