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Police officer murdered in act of domestic terrorism at Planned Parenthood (VIDEO)

Police officer murdered in act of domestic terrorism at Planned Parenthood (VIDEO)

Domestic terrorism should be our main concern in America

Once again in a vicious act of domestic terrorism, a police officer and two civilians have been murdered. These events are occurring at a clip of more than once a month.  The Guardian reports the following.

A gunman has surrendered after an hours-long standoff inside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs left 11 people injured. One police officer died from his wounds, the police union said on Twitter, but it was unclear whether there were any further fatalities. The office of Colorado attorney general Cynthia Coffman said: “My thoughts & prayers are with the families of victims on today’s standoff in Colorado Springs. Tragic loss of life.”

While both the traditional mainstream media and the Right Wing media have been concentrating on Daesh/ISIS/ISIL, America has been living under a monthly barrage of mostly Right Wing domestic terrorism acts. The fear Americans have shown for Daesh, a group of terrorists an ocean and many landmasses away, is irrational when compared to the lack of fear from home grown American terrorists that have been afflicting a vicious killing at home right here in our brickyard.

Americans have been indoctrinated by our Plutocracy via their puppets, the mainstream media and the Right Wing media, to believe terrorism is effected by a particular demographic. It does so for the purpose of justifying wars against the other even as our domestic terrorists can enter any gun show and purchase weapons almost at will.

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