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Lindsey Graham to Trump supporters: ‘Tell Donald Trump to go to hell’ (VIDEO)

Lindsey Graham Trump supporters - 'Tell Donald Trump to go to hell'.

Lindsey Graham shows more spine than any other candidate Republican or Democrat

Senator Lindsey Graham laid into Donald Trump like no other Republican candidate has. He made all the necessary points. He displayed more spinal fortitude than any candidate, Republican or Democrat, in his condemnation of Donald Trump’s latest vile statement. Most have tried to straddle the fence, likely because of polls that show islamaphobia is alive and well in America.

“I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute,” said Lindsey Graham. “I don’t know who you are or why you like this guy. I think what you like about him, he appears to be strong while the rest of us are weak. He is a very successful businessman. He is going to make everything great. He is going to take all the problems in the world and put it in a box and make your life better. That’s what he is selling. Here is what you are buying. He is a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party. He does not represent the values that the men and women in uniform are fighting for.”

Graham went on to say that Donald Trump is the ISIL man of the year. He said that the military leadership and the diplomatic core are concerned about Trump’s rhetoric because ISIL will use it against us.

“What was a concern last week has to be DEFCON4 this week,” Graham said. “Because what Mr. Trump is doing, and I don’t think he has a clue about anything. He is just trying to get his numbers up and get the biggest reaction he can. He is putting our soldiers and diplomats at risk. He is empowering the enemy.”

Graham went on to state the reality that like folks from any other religion or culture, most Muslims reject the failed radical ideology. He said we will win the war by engaging and empowering young Muslims not by inducing hate.

Lindsey Graham had a parting message he wanted to give Trump supporters, “Tell Donald Trump to go to hell”

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