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This TEA Party guy said he could vote for Hillary Clinton (VIDEO)

TEA Party guy

If most members of the TEA Party were like this guy, we could have a real debate

Today was the last day of early voting for several local elections including the election for the new mayor of Houston Texas. I did my civic duty. I voted. To be clear, we must all vote. Your vote does matter. If you do not vote, you are acquiescing to the will of others. That is never a good thing. It gave us a dysfunctional Congress that is not representative of the electorate.

While leaving voting area, I overheard a discussion between an older guy and a TEA Party activist handing out voter cheat cards. He was discussing guns among other conservative issues. I joined the conversation and after talking to him for a minute or so, I wanted to get him on video. Why? While he is a gun touting conservative — and he looks the part — he seemed rather reasonable.

In the middle of the interview the TEA Party activist warned the TEA Party guy to beware of being videoed. I explained that I had no intent on misrepresenting the TEA Party guy.

I found it refreshing that this guy was really looking for a candidate close to the values he deemed represented him best. He realizes that Donald Trump is a charlatan. Under certain conditions he is amenable to vote for Hillary Clinton. Why is that important? It means he is not a robot or an ideologue.

A message to TEA Party, this lifelong Republican is a good man who served his country. More importantly he leaves himself open to vote for a candidate of any party that he believes fits his values. To many, the TEA Party is the extremist wing of the Republican Party. This TEA Party guy gives me hope that some still have the ability to be rational.

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