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Right Wing radio slams Donald Trump for attacking Ted Cruz (VIDEO)

Right Wing radio slams Donald Trump for attacking Ted Cruz (VIDEO)

Right Wing Radio made it clear that Donald Trump is but a placeholder for Ted Cruz

Right Wing Radio made it real clear. Mark Levin & Rush Limbaugh slammed Donald Trump for attacking Ted Cruz. Donald Trump is but a placeholder for Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz was one of the only Republican presidential candidates that made it a point not to overtly slam  or confront Donald Trump. He seemed to have made an error recently when he was caught on tape with a soft attack on Trump.

Every candidate that attacked Donald Trump has fallen in the polls from the Trump counter attack. Would the same occur for Ted Cruz. It all depends. There is a possibility here that it is Donald Trump who is getting played.

There was no staunch defense of other candidates attacking Trump for his fallacies, misdeeds, and deficiencies. The same has not applied to Ted Cruz. Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh came out swinging in Ted Cruz’s defense.

It seemed like a coordinated admonishing of Donald Trump. In order to not alienate the Trump voters the admonition came with backhanded Trump praise.

Mark Levin accused Trump of given the GOP establishment the trifecta; ethanol, an attack on Justice Scalia, and an attack on Ted Cruz. Rush Limbaugh was a bit less caustic towards Donald Trump but more hard hitting.

“Any of you who are holding out that Trump is a genuine conservative,” Limbaugh said. “Genuine conservatives even in the Republican field would not go after Cruz this way.”

What was clear is that Ted Cruz is their man. Right Wing Radio will be the Ted Cruz defender. Donald Trump is nothing but a placeholder for voters not ready for Cruz. Donald Trump ensures that these voters do not give up and simply get comfortable with one of the establishment’s candidates.

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