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Ted Cruz caught lying on Fox News and gets tongue tied backtracking (VIDEO)

Ted Cruz caught lying and gets tongue tied backtracking.

Fox News calls out Ted Cruz and he stutters his reply

Marco Rubio pointed out in the debate and elsewhere that Ted Cruz once supported legalizing undocumented immigrants. “He’s not told the truth about his position in the past on legalization,” Rubio said.

Fox News Bret Baier showed Ted Cruz a 2013 clip from the Senate. “I don’t want immigration reform to fail,” Ted Cruz said in the 2013 clip. “I want immigration reform to pass.”

Baier said that it sounded like Cruz did want immigration reform to pass. Cruz seemed shocked and began stuttering when giving his response. “Of course I wanted the bill to pass,” Cruz said. “My amendment to pass. What my amendment did is take citizenship off the table. But it doesn’t mean that I support the other aspects of the bill which was a terrible bill.”

Cruz is trying to eat his cake and still have it. When Cruz was challenged in the debate by Rubio about supporting a pathway to citizenship, he gave a legal response. He said he did not intend to do it. He did not say he would not do it.

Ted Cruz has started to double down. He gave an interview later. “I oppose legalization for illegal aliens,” Cruz said. “I always have and I always will.”

Is Fox News turning on Ted Cruz? The video was cued up seemingly unbeknownst to Cruz causing a shocked stuttering response. This is shocking given the tongue lashing that Donald Trump got when he attacked Cruz. It is the very reason Donald Trump treated Cruz with kid gloves at the last GOP Debate.

Cruz is definitely not the establishment candidate. Fox News would never have attempted to unmask him like Baier did had he been the GOP establishment’s choice. Are they attempting to lay the pathway for Marco Rubio? Only time will tell.

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