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Ethan Couch, the affluenza kid too rich to go to jail was arrested (VIDEO)

Ethan Couch, the affluenza kid too rich to go to jail was arrested.

Ethan Couch’s affluenza comes back to bite him

Ethan Couch, the kid that got probation after killing four people driving while drunk was arrested in Mexico. CNN reported the following:

(CNN)Mexican authorities have detained so-called “affluenza” teen Ethan Couch and his mother near the popular Mexican Pacific beach resort town of Puerto Vallarta, officials briefed on the matter told CNN.

Couch, 18, went missing earlier this month, two years after he made national news when he was sentenced to probation for a drunken driving crash that killed four people.

Couch is expected to be turned over to the U.S. Marshals Service, who have spent weeks searching for him. A spokesman for the service declined to comment.

He is wanted by authorities in Tarrant County, Texas, for allegedly violating probation. His mother was listed by Texas authorities as a missing person after her son’s disappearance, and the authorities said they believed she was assisting her son.

A warrant had been issued for the teen to be taken into custody after his probation officer couldn’t reach him earlier this month. His apparent disappearance came after a video allegedly showed him at a party where alcohol was being consumed, authorities said.

Ethan Couch was given probation because he is a rich kid whose parents did not set limits. The prosecutors wanted Couch to be sentenced to 20 years in prison. Unfortunately the judge decided that his rearing warranted a lenient sentence. One wonders if this judge is as lenient with teenagers from the ghettos and the barrios.

Ethan Couch proved that the judges leniency was undeserved. There are many who are sent to jail, who are generally much more humble, that would have taken the opportunity to atone. Unfortunately, only a select few are afforded a leniency reserved for either those with means or those with ‘other’ attributes.

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