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Watch Ted Cruz implode and booed at Republican Debate (VIDEO)

Ted Cruz Implodes

Ted Cruz Implodes

Ted Cruz was the headliner at the Republican Debate and his debating skills failed him miserably as he imploded when challenged. The clip highlights just a few of the moments where he was on the verge of becoming unhinged.

Ted Cruz is a very good debater. But not even a good debater can debate away valid challenges that the audience and questioners are knowledgeable of. That was the big problem for Ted Cruz at the Republican Debate.

Cruz attempted many times to manhandle Chris Wallace who would have none of it. He was strict and put Cruz in his place when he attempted to challenge the debate rules. “You don’t get thirty seconds to respond to me,” Wallace said. “I’d like to go on. Sir, I know you like to argue about the rules, but we are going to conduct the debate.” One hopes they are just as tough with Donald Trump when he tries to spin in the next debate.

It did not stop there. After being repeatedly challenged throughout the Republican Debate, Ted Cruz, like a spoiled child threatened to take his marbles and walk away.

“I would note that the last four questions have been,” Cruz said. “Rand please attack Ted. Marco please attack Ted. Chris please attack Ted. Jeb please attack Ted. Let me just say this.”

Chris Wallace interjected. “It is a debate sir.”

“Well no, no. A debate actually is a policy issue,” Cruz said. “But I will say this. Gosh. If you guys ask one more mean question I may have to leave the stage.”

It was evident Cruz was attempting to channel Donald Trump. Donald Trump skipped the debate because he claimed to believe Megyn Kelly is not a fair moderator. Of course there is video showing Donald Trump praising Megyn Kelly’s moderating skills.

Ted Cruz did not have a good night. The audience got to see an immature candidate easily frazzled.

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