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The Daily Show’s Trevor Noah skewers Marco Rubio’s 3rd place Iowa speech (VIDEO)

Daily Show Trevor Noah re-interprets Marco Rubio speech 2

Trevor Noah perfectly reinterprets Marco Rubio’s speech

Trevor Noah played a few soundbites from the Marco Rubio’s speech after his third place finish in the Iowa Caucuses and made mincemeat of them. It looks like he took a page out of Ted Cruz’s book.

“Also doing well was Marco Rubio,” Trevor Noah said. “Who thought his third place finish earned him a victory speech.” Noah then played the Rubio clip.

For months they told us we had no chance. … They told us because we offered too much optimism in a time of anger we had no chance. … Because my hair wasn’t grey enough. My boots were too high.

Amused, Trevor Noah unleashed Marco Rubio’s inconvenient truth.

“I don’t think they said that because you know I don’t know if that’s why you have no chance — because of the boots,” Trevor Noah said. “I mean, I think it was because you only showed up to work about two thirds of the time. And also you missed more votes than any other senator. And you try to pass immigration reform and bailed once it got really tough. And then you pretend that you never did. And also you used the GOP credit card to spend twenty grand on personal expenses. But yeah, but probably your boots didn’t help. That’s probably what it is. Yeah.”

The traditional mainstream media are attempting to make Marco Rubio’s third place finish a win. Rubio held that third place position for some time. As such,  the reality is that it was not a surprise at all. The traditional mainstream media are doing the bidding of their corporate masters now that the Donald Trump and Ted Cruz charade has taken hold, partly because of their own doing. They must now overcorrect for being derelict in their duty as they continue to mislead America for a specific outcome their masters desire.


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