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Fmr Mexican President: Mexico won’t pay for wall, Donald Trump’s crazy, laughs at Americans (VIDEO)

Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Donald Trump

Former Mexican President Felipe Calderon slams Donald Trump

Former President Felipe Calderon hammered home what the American media have been derelict in doing when fact checking Donald Trump. He pointed out several facts.

Donald Trump continuously lie to Americans claiming that there is a huge undocumented influx in America necessitating the need for a wall. Felipe Calderon pointed out that undocumented immigration from Mexico to the United States is zero. In 2015 it was negative. That means there were more people returning to Mexico than coming to the United States.

“The Mexican migration of labor force, which is the traditional problem between us, which reach some years 8% of labor force, went to zero since 2010,” said Calderon. “And it has been zero five years in a row, even negative in 2015. So the flow of Mexican people going to the United States is decreasing until the a zero rate today.”

Felipe Calderon categorically stated that Mexico has no intentions of paying for the wall Donald Trump says Mexico will pay for. In fact, he said that the wall will not be at all beneficial to Americans.

“He can spend all his money, it is not as much as he says by the way, building a wall,” Calderon continued. “Mexican people, we are not going to pay a single cent for such a stupid wall. And they [Americans]  need to know that. And it is going to be completely useless. Because we are not crazy. The first loser of that kind of policy is going to be the United States. Who are the best buyers of American products? We the Mexicans.  We love American products. Maybe we are crazy. We are not very rational. No. Very good products. We love American products. We travel to the United States. We spend a lot of money.”

The former Mexican president then went on to tell the inconvenient truth.

“If this guy pretends or anyone that closing the border to anyone either for trade, either for people is going to provide prosperity to the United States, is completely crazy,” Calderon said. “But if the people of the United States is able to elect someone like him, that, that, that, …”

The former president then busted out laughing along with his audience. Donald Trump, an inept media, and the Republican establishment have diminished the respect we once had.

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