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Geraldo Rivera on Bill O’Reilly – GOP platform is a suicide complex (VIDEO)

Geraldo Rivera on Bill O'Reilly - GOP platform is a suicide complex

Geraldo Rivera encapsulate the GOP problem but …

Geraldo Rivera had rather interesting statements to make about the Republican Party on Fox News but he failed to understand that none of them matter. Earlier Bill O’Reilly explained how Hillary Clinton would characterize Donald Trump.

“What isn’t speculative is Clinton, you saw the soundbite this morning,” O’Reilly said. “[Clinton said] ‘Donald use to be a nice guy. He’s turned into a werewolf. I don’t know why. He is biased and this. He is offensive.’ That’s what her campaign is going use against him. He is a nut. That’s what she’s gonna do.”

Geraldo Rivera’s response was epic and true. But at the same time he failed to understand today’s reality.

“But you know, you have got to be a nut to get the Republican nomination,” Geraldo said. “Republicans have a suicide complex. When you read the Republican Platform, you can’t have birth control, you can’t have — gays can’t get married. The Republican Platform is designed to narrow the field, to narrow the tent. I want a Jack Kemp Republican primary. I want a big primary. If you want to be a liberal and be a Republican you can be.”

Everything that Geraldo Rivera said is true. However what he and Bill O’Reilly failed to realize is that Donald Trump would be a Teflon candidate if he makes it to the general election against Hillary Clinton. Most voters correctly believe that the establishment, both Republican and Democratic, have failed them.

If Donald Trump runs against Hillary Clinton, all the fire coming at Donald Trump would be viewed as incoming flak from the establishment and would be disregarded by many. Those who feel aggrieved by the current system simply want that system to be punished for having failed them.

A Bernie Sanders v Donald Trump matchup ensures that truthful critiques of Trump are given the merits they deserve. It opens the door for true dialogue and choice.

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