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Bill Maher: ‘This is going to be the death of Liberals’ (VIDEO)

Bill Maher's message to Liberals

Bill Maher gives an urgent warning to Liberals

Bill Maher’s offered some advice to warring factions, Bernie and Hillary supporters as well as Black Lives Matter that they would do well to heed. In this regards, Liberals’ attempt at purity can be as irrational as the purity seekers on the Right. Maher points out the reality that if the infighting continues, the outcome would be that they all lose.

Bill showed his excitement for Bernie Sanders’ recent win in Michigan.  “It was an exciting week for us left leaners because with the win in Michigan the Sanders campaign, which I have been saying is offering America a new kind of deal,” Maher said. “has shown that  Americans  are still considering that deal.”

Maher then castigated a growing movement on the Sanders side called Bernie or Bust. Followers of that movement say they will stay home if it is Hillary Clinton who wins the Democratic nomination, or they will vote for the Green Party. “On their website they say they are revolting against the plutocracy,” Maher said.  “No, actually you will be helping elect a plutocrat who is revolting.”

Maher then slammed the wild ones who went on the Elizabeth Warren Facebook page to criticize her for not endorsing Bernie Sanders. It ‘s hard to see the infantile thought process that does not understand that Warren was not supporting anyone makes her an objective broker if need be. The fact that she did not get on the Democratic Establishment train or fall in line to endorse Hillary Clinton is probative enough.

Bill also hit on some in Black Lives Matter who are negative on both candidates. He did not leave Hillary supporters unscathed either. He accused them of false accusation of sexism against Sanders.

His examples on silly purity tests in a week when there are serious issues to cover were hilarious. This is another well done New Rules from the satiric master.

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