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Hillary Clinton lies on Bernie Sanders health care record comes home to roost (VIDEO)

Healthcare Reform Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton 2

Hillary Clinton must stop the lies and distortions and stick with factual issue debates

Hillary Clinton has been attacking Bernie Sanders single-payer healthcare plan with lies and distortion. Again she went too far, and it has caught up with her. All politicians should be debating issues based on facts. We know that the current crop of Republicans is engulfed in middle-school level debates. Democrats, for the most part, had substantive debates.

Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton has decided to distort and lie about Bernie Sanders health care record over the years. Clinton says that Sanders was nowhere to be found during her failed attempt at health care reform at a recent rally. The video shows that Bernie Sanders was in fact right there with her. Moreover, she sent him a signed note with a picture of both of them chatting years back as well.

Hillary Clinton many times attempts to characterize Bernie Sanders single-payer health care plan as the dismantling of Obamacare. Obamacare was a good start to create structures that codified universal healthcare in some form. It has helped millions. It sure up health insurance of every single American. Recissions, preexisting conditions, caps are a thing of the past. But it is severely lacking.

My wife and I pay near a thousand dollars a month. My deductible is $6,000. Recently I blogged about my high blood pressure scare. I spent less than two hours in an ER. I left with a $5,000 bill that I must pay out of pocket.What this means is I am out about $10,000 so far this hear in health care cost. This is a direct transfer of wealth from the middle-class to the stockholders of the emergency room that took care of me. In health care, there is little ability to shop around during an emergency. Even in non-emergency situations, recent studies suggest consumer shopping around does little to control cost.

Hillary Clinton’s answer proves the need for single-payer/Medicare-for-all

A woman at the recently held town hall expresses a parallel reality. She could not find an affordable plan on the exchange. She went instead to a broker to get a plan outside of the Affordable Care Act marketplace. The plan was still very expensive. One must play Hillary Clinton’s answer to everyone who opposes single-payer/Medicare-for-all health care. Every piece of her response ensures that private insurance remains viable. We know paying a bill requires little to no innovation. We are aware that unlike shopping and choosing groceries, health care is not something one shops for, given the that we shop for health care at the time we must have it. That form of thinking is obscene and immorally.

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