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Hillary Clinton all but said Bernie Sanders unqualified for the presidency (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton, Joe Scarborough, Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton likely started a war in the Democratic Party

Hillary Clinton appeared on Morning Joe to disparage Bernie Sanders’ fitness for the United States Presidency. The Democratic implosion begins.

Joe asked Hillary Clinton if Bernie Sanders was qualified to be President. He asked after some believed he had a less than stellar performance in an interview with the New York Daily News. Of course  To be clear, US Uncut had a piece that completely where the so-called bad performance by Bernie Sanders was completely debunked.

Konst, a communications strategist and founder of investigative news organization The Accountability Project, unloaded on a hapless CNN anchor who tried to use the same 4-5 sentence exchange from the tabloid which, when taken out of context, make Sanders seem confused about how to break up the big banks. (The full transcript of the interview can be found here.)

The anchor showed the graphic with the exchange, then said blithely, “Shouldn’t Sanders know that?”

Konst fired back.

“Well actually, you know, there’s great fact checking done on this in the New York Times, which I hold as a higher standard of a paper… I think most New Yorkers hold the Times a little bit higher than the Daily News and New York Post. But they fact checked this and they basically said that he was right on this. You know the point if you read the entire transcript, which is very long, took about 45 minutes to read. He went into detail about how the determination of how to break up the big banks lies within Congress or the president, and the president gives authority to the Fed.

The problem is that we take, as we do in the media, take little bits out of context and don’t show the full picture. And to be clear, to be even more fair, Bernie Sanders is the only Senator who brought this up in Congress… And you know what? The Daily News didn’t talk about that, but the New York Times did.”

Using the same false narrative used by CNN, political hacks, and others Hillary Clinton pretty much inferred that Sanders was unqualified. What is most amazing is how the narrative gets driven. A rag performs a hit job. The Clinton campaign sends out tweets and transcripts with their spin. A lazy and lame media picks it up and run with the false narrative. Thankfully we now have alternative media to set the record straight.

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