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Getting the Single-payer/Medicare-for-all message across to an opponent (VIDEO)

single-payer medicare-for-all

Caller receptive to single-payer after the call

My radio show Politics Done Right was electric this week. The subject tackled pharmaceutical companies gouging American citizens. A caller called in to object to the Blog of the Week in which I concluded with the following.

Ultimately the only solution is a single-payer / Medicare-for-all system where drug companies are regulated stricter than utility companies. If they find that too restrictive, R&D can be relegated solely to public Universities and manufacture to the lowest bidder.

Drug companies sole desire is to make a profit. Humanity plays no role. Why then should anyone believe they will perform any better than a University? Why not pay professors a high salary to develop products based solely on science without the worry of advertising cost, exploitative executives, and shareholders. Single-payer give Americans the power to demand.

The guest used the standard talking points employed by the pharmaceutical companies and other in the health industry. They claim that absent the high prices American pay, medical breakthroughs would cease. They also claim that foreign countries who have lower prices are sponging off of Americans.

The above claims are easily debunked and was made so in a very respectful manner. The caller was receptive to the truth. It is important that we listen respectfully even to those we think are delusional either because of willful ignorance or their preprogramming. I am sure this caller is rethinking his position.

You can check out the entire show titled “Does Bernie Sanders’ Single-Payer/Medicare-for-all sound good now?” at the Politics Done Right blog post for the show. Drop me a line and tell me what you think. Please share widely to keep the discussion about improving our health care in the forefront of the national debate. Only then will we be successful in undoing the damage made by those who put profits over humanity.


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