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Charles Koch gives tentative support to Hillary Clinton? (VIDEO)

Charles Koch support Hillary Clinton

What does it say that a Koch is opened to a Hillary Clinton?

If a Charles Koch of the Koch brothers expresses the possibility of supporting Hillary Clinton, should her supporters be concerned?

Here is the transcript / text of the clip with the words directly from Charles Koch

Jonathan Karl: When you look at the presidencies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama, which one in your view was worse? I know you don’t like either one.

Charles Koch: I would compare it to, more toward Bill Clinton. Just in spending and regulation the government grew much more under Bush’s administration, whose- I think is a fine person and tried to do the right thing but was misguided.

Jonathan Karl: And got us involved in a war that you adamantly oppose.

Charles Koch: Yeah, and tried to create democracies in countries where that’s counterproductive.

Jonathan Karl: Am I hearing you correctly, you think Bill Clinton was a better president than George W. Bush?

Charles Koch: Well in some ways. In other ways, I mean he wasn’t an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, on restrictive regulations, it was two and half times under Bush than it was under Clinton.

Jonathan Karl: So is it possible another Clinton could be better than another Republican–

Charles Koch: It’s possible.

Jonathan Karl: Next time around?

Charles Koch: It’s possible.

Jonathan Karl: You couldn’t see yourself supporting Hillary Clinton, could you?

Charles Koch: Well, I– that– her– we would have to believe her actions would be quite different than her rhetoric. Let me put it that way. But on some of the Republican candidates we would– before we could support them, we’d have to believe their actions will be quite different than the rhetoric we’ve heard so far.

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