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Mark Cuban Obamacare statement should embolden every entrepreneur (VIDEO)

Mark Cuban's assessment on Obamacare should not be shocking

Mark Cuban’s assessment on Obamacare should not be shocking

Mark Cuban praised Obama’s intellect as he made the most important statement of why at minimum Obamacare helped entrepreneurs and businesses. Many who understand economics know that Medicare for all is a must for a robust and vibrant economy. It is sad that this important element in our health care system rarely gets airtime, yet it is one of the grossest drawbacks of our draconian health care system.

It is true that solving the uninsurability of those with pre-existing conditions was one of the most inhumane and irresponsible features of health insurance in the United States. The other however was the indentured servitude nature of health insurance provided through corporations. As one gets older, they normally have a few ailments. Trying to leave a job to become an entrepreneur or even sometimes to going to another company for many people was impossible. Why? Their insurance would not transfer, and they would become uninsurable. Obamacare solved many of those problems. Single payer Medicare for all solves them all.

Cuban appeared on Meet the Press recently. He was asked to assess the Obama presidency.

“I think he’s done a lot of good things contrary to what some think,” Mark Cuban said. “He’s made a lot of mistakes as well. And that is what you expect from a president. I think he is smart. His goal was to really bring up people from the bottom, providing health care. That has been a positive step.  I think he has really had the interest of the country at heart. But I think he has made some significant mistakes in foreign policy.”

Chuck Todd then asked Cuban about the effects of Obamacare on his business. His answer was striking.

“It really hasn’t impacted my businesses at all because we tend to have invested in health care for our employees,” Cuban said. But I think from an entrepreneur’s perspective, it’s giving entrepreneurs the chance to leave jobs they were stuck in. And get insurance where they otherwise might not have had it.”

In other words, Obamacare forced lousy employers, employers who viewed their employees as indentured servants to not freeload, Most importantly it gave every American mobility. It allowed them to leave a job knowing they can get insurance elsewhere.

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