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Trump’s poll numbers and more crashing (VIDEO)

Trump poll numbers and more crashing (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s irrationality may be catching up with him.

Donald Trump’s poll numbers crashing

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll was just released. ABC’s week reported Donald Trump’s plunging polls as follows.

“This morning, striking numbers from our bad news ABC News/”Washington Post” Poll, a dramatic shift in our head-to-head match-up. Hillary Clinton now at 51 percent, Donald Trump 39,” said George Stephanopoulos. “Just last month, Trump had a slight lead. Now he’s trailing Clinton by 12 points, the biggest gap of the race so far. Trump’s support within his own party is falling, too, after his public feud with party leaders, failure to expand his campaign and that provocative response to the massacre in Orlando. More from the poll. Sixty-eight percent of Americans say his comment about the American judge who Trump called a Mexican was racist. Sixty-six percent says he’s biased against women, minorities, and Muslims. Fifty-six percent say that Trump does not stand for their beliefs. And a stunning 64 percent say he’s not qualified to be president, the highest number yet. The Clinton campaign took aim with a new ad overnight.”

A snippet from Hillary Clinton’s new ad is in the clip in this post.

It is easy for one to let one’s guard down when a politician like Trump seems to be down for the count. Anyone thinking in that manner should recall that there was no President Dukakis even as he had double digit leads at this time in his election.

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