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Chuck Todd to GOP Senator – Your foreign policy more Clinton than Trump (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd to GOP Senator - Your foreign policy more Clinton than Trump (VIDEO)

Chuck Todd did some good journalism as he pointed out the inconvenient reality of many Republicans opposing Hillary Clinton.

Chuck Todd points out Tom Cotton’s foreign policy seems similar to Hillary Clinton’s

Chuck Todd setup Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) in an interview that infers the reality that Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is more to GOP liking than Trump’s.

Chuck Todd started the interview aggressive enough. “Let me start with this war against ISIS, terrorism, et cetera,” Todd said. “You’re very critical of this administration. That we know. But let me put you in charge now. Starting now, what do you do?”

Tom Cotton’s response was interesting.

“Well, Chuck, I think the first thing we have to do is talk less and act more,” Tom Cotton said. “I think we have to accelerate the pace of airstrike above Iraq and Syria. We need to loosen the rules of engagement. If our commanders say they need more troops, we need to listen to them. We don’t need to put artificial caps on the ground. We have to work with Turkey and our Arab allies. And I think we have to establish safe zones in southern Syria to relieve pressure on Turkey and Jordan to allow the troops that we’ve been training a chance to refit and trained and get ready to get into the fight. And to apply more military tort to the battlefield.”

Chuck Todd points out that Cotton’s suggestions require more troops on the ground. Cotton deferred the number to requests from the military.

Chuck played a 2013 clip from Tom Cotton where he gave a rather neocon like speech implying that America is not fighting too many wars and implies America is the police of the world.

“Well, we have to defeat the Islamic State, Chuck,” Tom Cotton responded. “We can’t simply contain it within a small part of Syria. They will continue to launch terror attacks around the world, not just in places like Bangladesh and Turkey, but Western Europe and then in the United States.”

Todd came back with a zinger. It is something that makes progressives cringe.

You are much more expansive, when it comes to the use of American power, much more interventionist than your party’s nominee for president,” Todd said. “In fact, in many ways what you outline as a foreign policy is the exact opposite of Donald Trump and seems really closer to Hillary Clinton.”

Interesting interview.

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