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Move to Amend’s Daniel Lee: Transcending political parties at the People’s Convention (VIDEO)

Move to Amend’s Daniel Lee at the People’s Convention

Many grassroots organizations have converged on Philadelphia, PA using the Democratic National Convention as the catalyst to organize for a better America. The city is beaming with activity throughout downtown and the convention areas. Of course, the Rocky Statue at the Philadelphia Art Museum steps is a big draw for all the out of towners.

Daniel Lee, Move to Amend Leadership team member, spoke at the People’s Convention where he facilitated discussions on the transcending political parties. Former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner and Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein participated in the event.

The People’s Convention is a grassroots attempt to reclaim our democracy by uniting behind a common policy framework, rather than a personality or party. Leading up to our first People’s Convention this summer, grassroots organizers from around the country will work together to formulate a People’s Platform: a unifying set of ideas, beliefs, and values that will help define the movement.

“Overall it was encouraging that there were people who were Greens, Democrats, Socialists, even some Conservative people who coalesced around the issues, the platform, and the need for transformative change,” said Daniel Lee. “I think that is a very good sign going forward.”

Lee said that it was not necessary to push people into the position of transcending parties. He said people are frustrated and at the level of empowerment where they do not need the parties anymore.

“They are more interested in the issues than reinforcing the status quo,” Lee said. “And I think that is a good place to be. One the one hand the frustration is sometimes disempowering. But a lot of people took the fact, the reality of what they’ve done with the Sanders campaign — there are a lot of people who said that Bernie Sanders was virtually unknown last year, and now he got this close. ”

Daniel Lee stated that while Bernie Sanders supporters were the most enthusiastic, there were people from all stripes in attending the People’s Convention.

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