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Fox News Scandal Metastasizes and it ain’t pretty as skeletons come out

Fox News Scandal Metastasizes

Roger Ailes

It is amazing that the media outlet that has been so caustic to our body politic has a boss who is this corrupt.

The scandal at Fox News continues to get bigger, as it’s now being dubbed the American equivalent of the hacking scandal in Britain. Just this week, a new report revealed that former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes used company funds to target journalists in smear campaigns, news that could open up Fox News to further liability.

Then, another former Fox News host came forward with sexual harassment allegations against Ailes. In one of the most surreal stories we’ve ever seen, CNN host Brian Stelter even revealed that Fox News a decade ago sent a staffer to spy on him during what he thought were dates. With more and more women coming forward — and other stories of Ailes coming to the fore — reports indicate that there is an existential crisis within the network.

Given how much is at stake, we are asking James Murdoch and Lachlan Murdoch to release the findings of their internal review at Fox News. The network is in crisis. Only by admitting the extent of the problem can the powers that be ever hope to resolve it. Add your name here[Source: Media Matters]

It is poetic justice to watch as this titan of misinformation finds himself in dire straights. He has destroyed many live with his brand of faux journalism. He is singly responsible for the division in America. He is directly responsible for the ignorance of many Americans.

One hopes that this is the beginning of the end of the masters of misinformation. It will make for a better America and with that a better world.

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