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Mylan CEO Heather Bresch ,EpiPen maker, big fail explaining fleecing of Americans (VIDEO)

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch ,EpiPen maker, big fail explaining fleecing of Americans (VIDEO)

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch illustrates the greed in the pharmaceutical industry.

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch on the hot seat

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch attempted to spin justification for fleecing Americans with the predatory pricing of the EpiPen using standard drug industry lies. The interview was painful. But it proved one important fact. The industry has neither morals nor conscience.

The CEO used her time to misinform and basically lie. She stated that she is giving a $300 rebate, yet she claims the company only makes $274 or $137 per EpiPen. She says that the reason other countries get the EpiPen for the price they get it is that America subsidizes the rest of the world. She wanted the implication to be that private pharmaceuticals are subsidizing the rest of the world. That is patently false. In fact, a recent study yet again revealed that most drugs are indeed developed via government dollars, not pharmaceutical reinvestments.

Development of the EpiPen was paid for by the government. As the host pointed out, it cost Mylan $3 to manufacture the product. Bresch thinks that type of markup is justified.

Bresch’s interview illustrates the incestuous relationship between the industry and politicians. Note how she continued to speak about having the EpiPen everywhere. Note how she speaks about legislating it in schools and restaurants. In other words, she wants to legislate or force many others to carry her product, a huge financial government-driven bonanza.

Single-payer Medicare-for-all is usually deemed government takeover of healthcare. The reality is that we currently have pharmaceutical companies and other health-related companies monopolizing our healthcare dollars. They are extorting us for the profit of the few. It is time for us to wake up and not fall for the nonsensical arguments these corporations that continue to extract the wealth of the American citizenry are using on us to maintain the pilfer.

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