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Colin Powell LEAKED EMAILS: Trump International Pariah/National Disgrace (VIDEO)

Colin Powell LEAKED EMAILS: Trump International Pariah/National Disgrace (VIDEO)

Colin Powell has no respect or admiration for Donald Trump. In fact, he seems to believe that Trump is a farce. He scorched his Republican Party and Condoleezza Rice agreed with his Benghazi assertions.

Colin Powell scorches Donald Trump

Colin Powell’s personal emails were hacked. They show that he thinks that Donald Trump is ‘an International Pariah’ & ‘a National Disgrace.’ BuzzFeed reported the following.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired four-star general who served under three Republican presidents, slammed GOP nominee Donald Trump as “a national disgrace” and an “international pariah,” according to his personal emails seen by BuzzFeed News.

The remarks came in a June 17, 2016, email to Emily Miller, a journalist who was once Powell’s aide. In that same email Powell also said Trump “is in the process of destroying himself, no need for Dems to attack him. [Speaker of the House] Paul Ryan is calibrating his position again.”

Colin Powell had a lot to say. Unfortunately, they were in private emails when they could have been more effective during the Republican Primaries. It is a disservice to the country that a person of his stature held back his thoughts from the country. Apparently, Condoleezza Rice similarly held back on commenting on Trump and other Right Wing Republican shenanigans and misinformation campaigns.

Of note in Colin Powell leaked emails:

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