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Democratic VP Candidate: 5 reasons millennials should vote Clinton/Kaine ticket (VIDEO)

Democratic VP Candidate: 5 reasons millennials should vote Clinton/Kaine ticket (VIDEO)

Democratic VP Candidate Tim Kaine gave millennials all the reasons they should need to vote Clinton/Kaine over Trump/Pence.

Five reasons Millennials must vote Clinton/Kaine

Tim Kaine, the Democratic VP candidate, was ready with the reasons every millennial should vote for the Clinton/Kaine ticket. First Lady Michelle Obama had a similar message as well at George Mason University. Repeat over and over.

Every Democrat should follow Kaine’s lead here.

Chuck Todd: Voters under 35 are not enthusiastic about her. They’re as interested in Gary Johnson as they are Hillary Clinton. And if you don’t have them, you don’t carry North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Virginia. I think you know that.

Tim Kaine: Yeah, we’ve got to win them, Chuck. And let me just lay it on the line. Do you believe in climate science or don’t you? Millennials do, Hillary Clinton and I do. Donald Trump doesn’t. Do you believe women should be able to make their own healthcare decisions or don’t you? Millennials do, Hillary Clinton and I do, Donald Trump doesn’t.

Do you believe in immigration reform or don’t you? We do, millennials do, Donald Trump doesn’t. Do you believe in LGBT equality or don’t you? We do, millennials do, Donald Trump doesn’t. And finally, do you have a plan to deal with college affordability? We have one. Millennials need one. And Donald Trump, with Trump University, has ripped off students. So look, it’s on our shoulders to make the case. But on at least five litmus test issues, the differences between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are vast.

The Right Wing is consistent in their messaging. They understand that most people respond to information on a middle-school level. And of course, the traditional mainstream media gives them the complete latitude to regurgitate their message over and over again. Sadly, Democrats must emulate.

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