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Mike Pence refuse to say Donald Trump is a role model (VIDEO)

Mike Pence disses Donald Trump

Given the opportunity to support Donald Trump’s character, Mike Pence, his vice presidential partner, punted in a very conspicuous manner likely to save his career after losing the election. Who could blame him after the latest Trump stunt?

Mike Pence decided to punt on Donald Trump as a role model

Once again, given the opportunity to support Donald Trump when asked if he was a role model, Mike Pence could not do it and spun the question.

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle said that she did not let her ten-year-old son watch the debate because she was unsure how inappropriate it would be. She then asked Mike Pence if he considers Donald Trump, a role model for her children, for the country.

Mike Pence for all practical purposes punted.

“I frankly think both of these candidates have qualities that can be admired,” Mike Pence said. “But at the end of the day, nobody is perfect. I am not perfect. And I think the American people saw last night two human beings on the stage. They saw a choice between two futures. And we are going to be laying that choice out in the next four weeks, and I am honored to be standing shoulder to shoulder with him.”

Notice he did not answer. He instead indirectly called out Trump to his base by basically equating Trump with Hillary Clinton who his base hates.

Mike Pence also spun whether he will stay with Trump irrespective of what happens. Ruhle asked him if he will stay with Trump irrespective of what tactics Trump takes.

“Let me tell you,” Trump said. “I am honored to be my party’s nominee for vice president of the United States. We are going to work out hearts out to bring home a great, great victory and change the direction of this country back to strength and prosperity.”

Notice that he did not describe himself as Trump’s vice president in the answer. He is his party’s nominee for vice president. In other words, he wants to assure that this is about the party and not Trump.

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