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Conservative Host Tomi Lahren slams GOP: Explains why Trumpers ignore tape (VIDEO)

TheBlaze Tomi Lahren slams the GOP and points out the reasons why they are responsible for the creation of Donald Trump, their savior.

TheBlaze Right Wing Conservative Host Tomi Lahren is completely wrong about most of what she said but right about why GOP grassroots are rebelling against their party and why they believe Trump is their man.

TheBlaze Tomi Lahren is right and wrong

TheBlaze Tomi Lahren slams the GOP and points out the reasons why they are responsible for the creation of Donald Trump, their savior. Lahren points out a sad reality about Trump supporters.

“This recording does not surprise me at all,” said Lahren. “To be honest, most of you aren’t shocked either. It’s Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman and reality star, not the Pope. Is anyone that taken aback by what he said?”

Yes, as Donald Trump once said, he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote. Many view many in the Republican Party as people who wear their morality on their sleeves. Trump shined the light. And what people see now are Pharisees. Firstly, many are not church-going evangelicals. Secondly, even a large swath of evangelicals are

Firstly, many are not church-going evangelicals. Secondly, even a large swath of evangelicals are contorting themselves to find biblical reasons to support a deeply flawed and immoral Donald Trump.

“For all those never Trumpers and bleeding hearts out there saying ‘I told you so,’ shut the hell up,” Lahren shouted. “Don’t go around acting holier than now about this like you’ve never heard anyone say anything like that before. Give me a break.”

Tomi Lahren said that women supporting Trump does not make them less of a woman and needs the pity of no one. Lahren then calls out Republicans pulling their support for Trump now as spineless.

She is right that those Republicans dislodging from Trump now are spineless. She is wrong about the reason. They are weak for their initial support. They were not leaders willing to go through the pains of steadfastly informing their constituents. Women supporting Trump do not need pity. They need to understand the psychological damage their support inflict on young girls and boys who are in their formative years. They need to understand that frustration with a party is no justification for creating long term damage.

Lahren though hits the bullseye on the genesis of Trump.

“I think you are once again, forgetting why we the voters chose Trump as our nominee over all of you,” Lahren said. “We are sick of this holier than now persona you all parade around in public. We are sick of the fact most of you were in office from 2002 to 2006 when we had the White House and both Houses of Congress yet did nothing. You just squawked. That’s it.”

What Tomi Lahren does not understand is that the Right uses their base simply as pawns. To be sure, all parties use their grassroots somewhat as pawns. At least the Democratic Party attempts to get policies that directly impact the poor and middle-class. When Democrats had both branches of the government, big substantive policies that helped Democrats and Republicans alike got enacted. As Lahren pointed out, the converse is not true. Unfortunately, the backlash is worse than the actual problem. One’s vote and who they vote for matters.

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