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Bill Maher questions Americans’ intelligence given our politics (VIDEO)

Bill Maher questions the intelligence of Americans

Bill Maher questions Americans exasperatedly concerned about their difficulty in accepting that Donald Trump has given them reason enough for his disqualification to be president.

Bill Maher deservedly critiques Americans

Bill Maher hits the nail on the head. How can there be undecided voters now? What else must the Donald do to convince one he is unqualified?

Bill Maher first expressed disgust that Ken Bone, the man who asked the final question at the second debate, became a folk hero.

“Why?” Maher asked. “Because after fifteen months of this campaign, he is still too stupid to pick Hillary over President pussy-grabber?”

Bill continued.

“For me, the great sadness of this election is knowing that even if Trump doesn’t become president, we live in a country where half of the people think he should be. I would really like to ask Mr. Ken Bone or any undecided voter, as these last fifteen months rolled along, there was no breaking point for you? — Trump saying he would kill the children of terrorists with drone strikes? Physically throwing out fifteen million Mexicans? Banning all Muslims? Giving Saudi Arabia nukes? Running a scam university? Cheating veterans out of charity money? Not paying taxes? Picking Putin as his favorite leader? Not being able to let go of a feud for a whole week with a beauty queen? The impression of a handicap? Nothing?”

Maher played a clip showing Trump calling Iowans stupid when he was losing there. He points out that Trump now leads in Iowa.

Later Maher pointed out that Florida is a state most ravaged by climate change with a demographic that includes a lot of elderly folks. And yet they elected a governor that is both a climate change denier and a Medicare fraudster.

“And it is not just Republicans,” Maher said. “Five percent of Bernie supporters have switched allegiance to a ventriloquist dummy named Gary Johnson whose policy positions are almost uniformly the exact opposite of Bernie’s.”

Maher pointed out that many Americans do not know that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way around. Most Americans cannot name the three branches of government.

Bill Maher is right. The dumbing of America is real. It is by design given that an intelligent electorate demands more. They demand what is rightfully theirs. Have no doubt why education budgets are the first to suffer.

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